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System vault service

The system_vault service is a crucial component responsible for robust security management within the OpenBP system. Its primary function is to establish communication with the Hardware Security Module (HSM) through PKCS interfaces. It offers a user-friendly API that enables seamless integration with other services.

By leveraging the capabilities of the HSM and implementing PKCS interfaces, the system_vault service ensures a high level of security for managing critical information within the OpenBP system. Its user-friendly API further facilitates seamless interaction with other services, making it an essential component for secure and efficient operations.

Seal / Unseal

Upon system startup, the vault enters a sealed state, which means that communication with the service is not possible. To make effective use of the service, the vault needs to be manually unsealed using a password. It is crucial to keep this password secure as losing it would render the service inaccessible and result in permanent loss of all stored secrets.


By default, the service comes with a predefined unsealing password, which it attempts to use during startup. However, it is highly recommended to change this password to enhance security. This can be achieved through appropriate API request within the service.

Usage examples


Those examples are only for external developers. If you are contributor to the OpenBP project, remember to change imports so they are pointing from the inside of the OpenBP repository.

Encrypt/Decrypt arbitrary data

In this example we will encrypt and decrypt string using vaults HSM.

package main

import (

    openbp ""

func main() {
    ctx := context.TODO()

    obp, err := openbp.ConnectToModules(ctx, modules.NewStubConfig().
    if err != nil {

    data := []byte("Hello OpenBP")

    // Encrypt data
    encryptClient, _ := obp.System.Vault.EncryptStream(ctx)
        PlainData: data,

    encryptResponse, _ := encryptClient.Recv()
    encryptedData := encryptResponse.EncryptedData

    // Decrypt data
    decryptClient, _ := obp.System.Vault.DecryptStream(ctx)
        EncryptedData: encryptedData,

    decryptResponse, _ := decryptClient.Recv()

    // Compare to original data
    fmt.Printf("Data restored correctly: %t", bytes.Equal(data, decryptResponse.PlainData))
Generate signature (HMAC)

In this example, we will generate HMAC using vaults HSM

package main

import (

    openbp ""

func main() {
    ctx := context.TODO()

    obp, err := openbp.ConnectToModules(ctx, modules.NewStubConfig().
    if err != nil {

    data := []byte("Hello OpenBP")

    response, _ := obp.System.Vault.HMACSign(ctx, &vault.HMACSignRequest{
        Data: data,

    signature := base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(response.Signature)
    fmt.Println("Signature: " + signature)
Generate RSA and sign message with it

In this example, we will sign message with RSA key-pair using vaults HSM

package main

import (

    openbp ""

func main() {
    ctx := context.TODO()

    obp, err := openbp.ConnectToModules(ctx, modules.NewStubConfig().
    if err != nil {

    keyName := "my-super-rsa-key-pair"
    data := []byte("Hello OpenBP")

    obp.System.Vault.EnsureRSAKeyPair(ctx, &vault.EnsureRSAKeyPairRequest{
        KeyName: keyName,

    response, _ := obp.System.Vault.RSASign(ctx, &vault.RSASignRequest{
        KeyName: keyName,
        Data:    data,

    signature := base64.URLEncoding.EncodeToString(response.Signature)
    fmt.Println("Signature: " + signature)

Communication API

The system offers communication capabilities with the service through the gRPC interface. The interface definitions, specified in the proto file, are provided by the system module. This allows clients to interact with the system_vault service seamlessly using gRPC-based communication protocols.


rpc Seal(SealRequest) returns (SealResponse) {};

Close and encrypt vault. After sealing, most of the operations will not be accessible.

The request doesn't have parameters

The response will always be positive, even when the vault is already sealed

rpc Unseal(UnsealRequest) returns (UnsealResponse) {};

Decrypt and open vault. Must be done before most of the operations with vault secrets.

Parameter Type Description
secret string Password to decrypt the vault
Response value Type Description
success bool Indicates if vault was unsealed or not
rpc UpdateSealSecret(UpdateSealSecretRequest) returns (UpdateSealSecretResponse) {};

Set up new seal secret and reincrypt vault. The vault must be unsealed before this operation. You don't need to unseal vault after this operation.

This operation requires you to have administrator access to the HSM. Check PKCS11 spec. If you are using emulated HSM (by default) this will be the same as the seal/unseal secret by default. Change it.

Parameter Type Description Default
currentAdminPassword string Current administrator password. "12345678"
newPassword string New administrator password. -
newSecret string New seal/unseal secret. -

The seal/unseal secret was successfully updated. The administrator password was updated.

Bad administrator password

rpc GetStatus(GetStatusRequest) returns (GetStatusResponse) {};

Get current status of the vault.

The request doesn't have parameters

Response value Type Description
sealed bool Is vault sealed or not


The system_vault service plays a crucial role in securely managing RSA key-pairs. It employs a highly secure approach where the private key is never exposed outside of the Hardware Security Module (HSM) and cannot be extracted from it. On the other hand, the public key, which is intended to be shared and accessible to all, can be retrieved.


To ensure the utmost security, all operations involving the private key are performed exclusively within the HSM. This means that any cryptographic operations, such as signing or decryption, utilize the private key directly within the HSM's protected environment. This approach significantly reduces the risk of private key compromise or unauthorized access.

By securely managing RSA key-pairs within the system_vault service and relying on the protection provided by the HSM, the confidentiality and integrity of the private key are maintained while allowing the public key to be widely accessible for encryption, verification, or other public operations.

rpc EnsureRSAKeyPair(EnsureRSAKeyPairRequest) returns (EnsureRSAKeyPairResponse) {};

Create RSA key pair if it doesnt exist. The private key never leaves the HSM.

Parameter Type Description
keyName string Unique name of the key-pair

The key-pair was created or already existed before this operation.

The vault is sealed.

rpc GetRSAPublicKey(GetRSAPublicKeyRequest) returns (GetRSAPublicKeyResponse) {};

Get public key of the RSA key-pair.

Parameter Type Description
keyName string Unique name of the key-pair
Response value Type Description
publicKey bytes Public key in the PKCS #1, ASN.1 DER format

Key-pair with provided name doesn't exist

The vault is sealed.

rpc RSASignStream(stream RSASignStreamRequest) returns (RSASignStreamResponse) {};

Sign message stream with RSA private key. It will use SHA512_RSA_PKCS (RS512) algorithm to sign the message.


If your data is short (maximum several kilobytes) - use RSASign instead. It will be faster and use less resources.

Parameter Type Description
keyName string Unique name of the key-pair
data bytes Data chunk to sign
Response value Type Description
signature bytes Signature of the provided data

Key-pair with provided name doesn't exist

The vault is sealed.

rpc RSAVerifyStream(stream RSAVerifyStreamRequest) returns (RSAVerifyStreamResponse) {};

Validate signature of the message stream using RSA key-pairs public key. It will use SHA512_RSA_PKCS (RS512) algorithm to verify the message.


If your data is short (maximum several kilobytes) - use RSAVerify instead. It will be faster and use less resources.

Parameter Type Description
keyName string Unique name of the key-pair
data bytes Data chunk to validate
signature bytes Signature to validate
Response value Type Description
valid bool True if and only if provided data and its signature matches provided key-pair

Key-pair with provided name doesn't exist

The vault is sealed.

rpc RSASign(RSASignRequest) returns (RSASignResponse) {};

Sign message with RSA. It will use SHA512_RSA_PKCS (RS512) algorithm to sign the message.


The data must be short (max several kilobytes). If it is longer - use RSASignStream instead.

Parameter Type Description
keyName string Unique name of the key-pair
data bytes Data to sign
Response value Type Description
signature bytes Signature of the provided data

Key-pair with provided name doesn't exist

The vault is sealed.

rpc RSAVerify(RSAVerifyRequest) returns (RSAVerifyResponse) {};

Validate signature of the message using RSA key-pairs public key. It will use SHA512_RSA_PKCS (RS512) algorithm to verify the message.


The data must be short (max several kilobytes). If it is longer - use RSAVerifyStream instead.

Parameter Type Description
keyName string Unique name of the key-pair
data bytes Data to validate
signature bytes Signature to validate
Response value Type Description
valid bool True if and only if provided data and its signature matches provided key-pair

Key-pair with provided name doesn't exist

The vault is sealed.


The system_vault service offers the capability to generate HMAC (Hash-based Message Authentication Code) for data. One of the key security measures in this process is that the HMAC secret, which is utilized in generating the HMAC, never leaves the HSM.


To ensure the utmost security, all operations involving HMAC are performed exclusively within the HSM.

rpc HMACSignStream(stream HMACSignStreamRequest) returns (HMACSignStreamResponse) {};

Calculate HMAC signature for input data stream. HMAC secret never leaves the HSM (hardware security module). It automatically uses the best available HMAC algorithm for currently used HSM.


If your data is short (maximum several kilobytes) - use HMACSign instead. It will be faster and use less resources.

Parameter Type Description
data bytes Data chunk to sign
Response value Type Description
signature bytes Signature of the provided data

The vault is sealed.

rpc HMACVerifyStream(stream HMACVerifyStreamRequest) returns (HMACVerifyStreamResponse) {};

Verify HMAC signature of the data stream.


If your data is short (maximum several kilobytes) - use HMACVerify instead. It will be faster and use less resources.

Parameter Type Description
data bytes Data chunk to validate
signature bytes Signature to validate
Response value Type Description
valid bool True if and only if provided data and its signature matches

The vault is sealed.

rpc HMACSign(HMACSignRequest) returns (HMACSignResponse) {};

Calculate HMAC signature for input data. HMAC secret never leaves the HSM (hardware security module). It automatically uses the best available HMAC algorithm for currently used HSM.


The data must be short (max several kilobytes). If it is longer - use HMACSignStream instead.

Parameter Type Description
data bytes Data to sign
Response value Type Description
signature bytes Signature of the provided data

The vault is sealed.

rpc HMACVerify(HMACVerifyRequest) returns (HMACVerifyResponse) {};

Verifiy HMAC signature of the data.


The data must be short (max several kilobytes). If it is longer - use HMACVerifyStream instead.

Parameter Type Description
data bytes Data to validate
signature bytes Signature to validate
Response value Type Description
valid bool True if and only if provided data and its signature matches

The vault is sealed.


The system_vault service includes the capability to encrypt data, adding an extra layer of security to sensitive information. The encryption key used for this process is securely managed and protected within the HSM, safeguarding it from potential threats.

rpc HMACSignStream(stream HMACSignStreamRequest) returns (HMACSignStreamResponse) {};

Encrypt data stream. Encryption secret never leaves the HSM (hardware security module). It automatically uses the best available encryption algorithm for currently used HSM. It will only select the algorithm that is capable of decrypting from the middle of the whole data (partial decryption).


If your data is short (maximum several kilobytes) - use HMACSign instead. It will be faster and use less resources.

Parameter Type Description
plainData bytes Data chunk to encrypt
Response value Type Description
encryptedData bytes Encrypted chunk of data

The vault is sealed.

rpc HMACVerifyStream(stream HMACVerifyStreamRequest) returns (HMACVerifyStreamResponse) {};

Decrypt data stream. If you want to decrypt part of the information from the middle of the whole data - ensure, that the first chunk of the data, that you are sending is padded by 2048 bit.


If your data is short (maximum several kilobytes) - use HMACVerify instead. It will be faster and use less resources.

Parameter Type Description
encryptedData bytes Encrypted chunk of the data
Response value Type Description
plainData bytes Decrypted chunk of the data

The vault is sealed.


The system_vault service offers the flexibility to work with multiple Hardware Security Module (HSM) providers, allowing users to configure their preferred provider before the initial startup of the system. This capability enables seamless integration with different HSM technologies based on specific requirements or preferences.

To select a particular HSM provider, you can set the HSM_PROVIDER environment variable. The following providers are currently supported:

  • softhsm2: This is the default provider that emulates an HSM using the SoftHSM2 library.
  • dynamic: This provider offers a dynamic interface, allowing potential connections with various PKCS11 client libraries. It provides flexibility for utilizing different HSM implementations.


It is worth mentioning that due to the nature of making secrets non-extractable for security reasons, switching HSM providers at runtime may not be possible. Therefore, it is recommended to configure the desired provider before the initial startup of the system.

Furthermore, the system is designed to accommodate additional HSM providers in the future. Contributions to expand the range of supported providers are highly appreciated, ensuring ongoing enhancement and versatility in choosing the most suitable HSM solution.


The SoftHSM2 provider does not require any additional configuration. It comes preconfigured with optimal settings that adhere to best practices, alleviating any concerns or need for manual adjustments on your part.

Dynamic HSM provider

To ensure the proper functioning of the dynamic provider, you need to follow a few steps. First, run OpenBP and it will create a volume for the system_vault service at ./data/system/vault/pkcs (depending on what setup you are using). In this folder, copy your PKCS11 library and name it

Additionally, you need to define the slot by setting the DYNAMIC_PKCS11_SLOT environment variable. This variable specifies the slot that the service should attempt to open when loading the PKCS11 library.

By configuring the environment variable and placing the PKCS11 library in the designated folder, the system_vault service will automatically load the library and try to open the provided slot during its startup process.

Start OpenBP and check the logs. You will receive a message if everything is ok.