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IAM Identity service

The native_iam_identity is service for managing authentication identities. Its mainly used by other actors (users/applications/servers) as a way to outsource identification capabilities. For example, in OpenBP, users don't have a login/password/security key. They have one-to-one binding with native_iam_identity identity instead.

Identity implements authentification capabilities using native_iam_authentication methods (like native_iam_authentication_password to authenticate using a secret password).

Authorization implemented using native_iam_policy policies. Policies can be added and removed from the identity. One identity can have many policies assigned.


The schema of the identity is defined using protobuf. Definitions are provided by the native module.

Identity schema:

Property Type Description
namespace string Namespaces of the identity. Can be empty for global identities.
uuid string Unique identity identifier inside namespace. Assigned automatically by service
name string User-defined public name
active bool If identity is not active, it will not be able to login and perform any actions.
policies PolicyReference[] native_iam_policy policies assigned to the identity

PolicyReference schema:

Property Type Description
namespace string Namespace where policy located
uuid string Unique identifier of policy inside namespace

This is an example of identity that belongs to the admin user.

Assume you have defined native_iam_policy policy with "542c2b97bac0595474108125" uuid that grants access to all resources.

        "namespace": "",
        "uuid": "142c2b97bac0595474173823",
        "name": "User admin",
        "active": true,
        "policies": [
                "namespace": "",
                "uuid": "542c2b97bac0595474108125"


Communication with the service is possible using the gRPC interface. Definitions of the interface (proto file) are provided by the native module.

rpc Create(CreateIdentityRequest) returns (CreateIdentityResponse);

Creates new identity

Parameter name Type Description
namespace string Namespace where identity will be located
name string Public name for newly created identity. It may not be unique - this is just a human-readable name.
initiallyActive bool Should the identity be active at the start or not

The identity was successfully created. Returns newly created identity with all the data and assigned UUID.


This response will raise the event on the amqp. Check the Events section and the specific event for identity creation.

Namespace doesn't exist

rpc Get(GetIdentityRequest) returns (GetIdentityResponse);

Gets identity by its namespace and UUID

Parameter name Type Description
namespace string Namespace of the identity
uuid string Unique identifier of the identity inside namespace
useCache bool Use cache for this request or not. The cache may not be valid in rare circumstances. The invalid cache automatically deletes after a short period of time (30 seconds by default).

Returns identity. See Schema.

The namespace doesn't exist, or there is no identity with a specified UUID inside the namespace.

UUID has a bad format

rpc Delete(DeleteIdentityRequest) returns (DeleteIdentityResponse);

Deletes identity by its namespace and UUID

Parameter name Type Description
namespace string Namespace of the identity
uuid string Unique identifier of the identity inside namespace

Identity doesn't exist in the system. It was deleted during this operation or earlier. The service also cleared all the cache related to this identity.


This response will raise the event on the amqp. Check the Events section and the specific event for identity deletion.

rpc AddPolicy(AddPolicyRequest) returns (AddPolicyResponse);

Adds policy to the identity. If identity already has this policy attached - it does nothing. So you can use this method to ensure identity has the policies you need.

Parameter name Type Description
identityNamespace string Namespace of the identity
identityUUID string Unique identifier of the identity inside namespace
policyNamespace string Namespace of the native_iam_policy policy
policyUUID string Unique identifier of the native_iam_policy policy

The policy was successfully assigned to the identity.


This response will raise the event on the amqp. Check the Events section and the specific event for identity policies changes.

Policy doesnt exist

The identity namespace doesn't exist, or there is no identity with a specified UUID inside the namespace.

Identity UUID has bad format

rpc RemovePolicy(RemovePolicyRequest) returns (RemovePolicyResponse);

Removes policy from the identity. If identity doesn't have an assigned policy - it does nothing.

Parameter name Type Description
identityNamespace string Namespace of the identity
identityUUID string Unique identifier of the identity inside namespace
policyNamespace string Namespace of the native_iam_policy policy
policyUUID string Unique identifier of the native_iam_policy policy

The policy was successfully removed from to the identity.


This response will raise the event on the amqp. Check the Events section and the specific event for identity policies changes.

The identity namespace doesn't exist, or there is no identity with a specified UUID inside the namespace.

Identity UUID has bad format

rpc SetActive(SetIdentityActiveRequest) returns (SetIdentityActiveResponse);

Set identity active or not.

Parameter name Type Description
namespace string Namespace of the identity
uuid string Unique identifier of the identity inside namespace
active bool Setactive or not

Active state of the identity was successfully changed.


This response will raise the event on the amqp. Check the Events section and the specific event for identity active state changes.

The identity namespace doesn't exist, or there is no identity with a specified UUID inside the namespace.

Identity UUID has bad format



This feature is NOT IMPLEMENTED

system_amqp exchange routing key scheme conditions
native_iam_identity_events created Created identity (protobuf) Identity was created
native_iam_identity_events updated ? Identity was updated
native_iam_identity_events deteled ? Identity was deleted


This service is controlled by environment variables.

Env default description
SYSTEM_DB_URL mongodb://root:example@system_db/admin Mongo DB URL
SYSTEM_CACHE_URL redis://system_cache System_cache redis connection URL
SYSTEM_TELEMETRY_EXPORTER_ENDPOINT system_telemetry:55680 OTEL connector endpoint
NATIVE_NAMESPACE_URL native_namespace:80 Native_namespace server gRPC URL
NATIVE_IAM_POLICY_URL native_iam_policy:80 Native_iam_policy server gRPC URL