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OAuth service

The native_iam_oauth is a meta-service, that connects most of the native_iam services to deliver OAuth capabilities.


Communication with the service is possible using the gRPC interface. Definitions of the interface (proto file) are provided by the native module.

rpc CreateTokenWithPassword(CreateTokenWithPasswordRequest) returns (CreateTokenWithPasswordResponse);

Creates new native_iam_token token using native_iam_authentication_password password authentication method.

Parameter name Type Description
namespace string native_iam_namespace namespace where native_iam_identity identity located. May be null for global identity.
identity string native_iam_identity identity unique identifier
password string native_iam_authentication_password password
metadata string Arbitrary metadata. For example MAC/IP/information of the actor/application/browser/machine that makes this request. The exact format of metadata is not defined, but JSON is suggested. It will be added to the created native_iam_token token.
scopes native_iam_token Scope Scopes of the created native_iam_token token. Empty for creating token with all possible scopes for identity.
Property Type Description
status Status Status of the native_iam_identity identity authentication and authorization
accessToken string native_iam_token token used for authentication and authorization. If status is not OK - empty string
refreshToken string native_iam_token token used for refreshing accessToken. If status is not OK - empty string

Where status is:

Status Description
OK Everything is ok. Access and refresh tokens were successfully created
CREDENTIALS_INVALID native_iam_identity identity or native_iam_authentication_password password is not valid. Maybe password authentication is not enabled for identity or the password doesn't match
IDENTITY_NOT_ACTIVE native_iam_identity identity was manually disabled
UNAUTHORIZED Not enough privileges to create native_iam_token token with specified scopes
rpc RefreshToken(RefreshTokenRequest) returns (RefreshTokenResponse);

Creates new OAuth access token using refresh token.

Parameter name Type Description
refreshToken string native_iam_token refresh token
Property Type Description
status Status Status of the native_iam_token token and native_iam_identity identity reauthorization
accessToken string native_iam_token token used for authentication and authorization. If status is not OK - empty string

Where status is:

Status Description
OK Everything is ok. New native_iam_token access token was successfully created
TOKEN_INVALID Received native_iam_token token has bad format or its signature doesnt match
TOKEN_NOT_FOUND Most probably native_iam_token token was deleted after its creation
TOKEN_DISABLED native_iam_token token was manually disabled
TOKEN_EXPIRED native_iam_token token expired
TOKEN_IS_NOT_REFRESH_TOKEN Provided native_iam_token token was recognized but most probably it is ordinary access token (not refresh one)
IDENTITY_NOT_FOUND native_iam_identity identity wasn't founded. Most probably it was deleted after token creation
IDENTITY_NOT_ACTIVE native_iam_identity identity was manually disabled.
IDENTITY_UNAUTHENTICATED Most probably native_iam_identity identity native_iam_policy policies changed and now it's not possible to create native_iam_token tokens with same scopes
rpc CheckAccess(CheckAccessRequest) returns (CheckAccessResponse);

Checks if a token is allowed to perform actions from the specified scopes

Parameter name Type Description
accessToken string Token to check
scopes Scope Scopes for with to check access
Property Type Description
status Status Status of the check
message string Details of the status, that can be safelly returned and displayed to the user

Where status is:

Status Description
OK Everything is ok. The provided token allows to access scopes.
TOKEN_INVALID Received native_iam_token token has bad format or its signature doesnt match
TOKEN_NOT_FOUND Most probably native_iam_token token was deleted after its creation
TOKEN_DISABLED native_iam_token token was manually disabled
TOKEN_EXPIRED native_iam_token token expired
UNAUTHORIZED native_iam_token token has not enough privileges to access specified scopes


This service is controlled by environment variables.

Env default description
SYSTEM_DB_URL mongodb://root:example@system_db/admin Mongo DB URL
SYSTEM_CACHE_URL redis://system_cache System_cache redis connection URL
SYSTEM_TELEMETRY_EXPORTER_ENDPOINT system_telemetry:55680 OTEL connector endpoint
NATIVE_IAM_POLICY_URL native_iam_policy:80 Native_iam_policy server gRPC URL
NATIVE_IAM_TOKEN_URL native_iam_token:80 Native_iam_token server gRPC URL
NATIVE_IAM_IDENTITY_URL native_iam_identity:80 Native_iam_identity server gRPC URL
NATIVE_IAM_AUTHENTICATION_PASSWORD_URL native_iam_authentication_password:80 Native_iam_authentication_password server gRPC URL