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IAM Token service

The native_iam_token is a service for managing authorization tokens.


The schema is defined using protobuf. Definitions are provided by the native module.

Token schema:

Property Type Description
namespace string native_namespace namespace where token and identity are located. Epmty for global token (without namespace)
uuid string Token unique identifier inside namespace. It is assigned automatically by service
identity string native_iam_identity identity unique identifier inside namespace
disabled string Identifies if token was manually disabled. Disabled token always fails on authorization and can not be re-enabled
expiresAt DateTime Date and time after with token will not be valid and will fail on Refresh and Authorize attempts
scopes Scope[] List of token scopes. Describes what actions can token perform on what resources
createdAt DateTime Date and time when token was created
creationMetadata string Arbitrary metadata added on token creation. For example MAC/IP/information of the actor/application/browser/machine that created this token. The exact format of metadata is not defined, but JSON is suggested.

Scope schema:

Property Type Description
namespace string native_namespace namespace to which scope is bounded. Empty string if the scope is not bounded to any namespace (is global)
resources string[] Resources that can be accessed using this token
actions string[] Actions that can be performed on accessible resources

This example shows a token created by admin user. Using this token, you can access all the resources and perform all possible actions on them.

        "namespace": "",
        "uuid": "542c2b97bac0595474108125",
        "identity": "734c2b97bac0595474108526",
        "disabled": false,
        "expiresAt": "2022-10-20T20:20:39.945Z",
        "scopes": [
                "namespace": "",
                "resources": ["*"],
                "actions": ["*"]
        "createAt": "2022-10-19T20:20:39.945Z",
        "creationMetadata": {"ip": "", "mac": "2C:54:91:88:C2:E4", "user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/101.0.4942.12 Safari/536.45"}


Communication with the service is possible using the gRPC interface. Definitions of the interface (proto file) are provided by the native module.

rpc Create(CreateRequest) returns (CreateResponse);

Create new token

Parameter Type Description
namespace string native_namespace namespace where the token will be located and where is related native_iam_identity identity located
identity string Unique identifier of the identity
scopes Scope[] Scopes that will be applied to the token
metadata string Actions that can be performed on the resources

The token was successfully created.

Property Type Description
token string Actual access token formated to the string.
refreshToken string Refreshtoken is used to refresh access token
tokenData Token Token data


This response will raise the event on the amqp. Check the Events section and the specific event for token creation.

native_namespace namespace doesn't exist

rpc Get(GetRequest) returns (GetResponse);

Get token data using its unique identifier

Parameter Type Description
namespace string native_namespace namespace of the token
uuid string Unique identifier of the token
useCache bool Use cache for this request or not. Cache may be invalid. The invalid cache automatically deletes after short period of time (30 seconds by default)

Returns token data. See Schema.

The token native_namespace namespace doesn't exist, or there is no token with a specified UUID inside the namespace.

UUID has a bad format

rpc RawGet(RawGetRequest) returns (RawGetResponse);

Get token data using token in string format

Parameter Type Description
token string Refresh or access token
useCache bool Use cache for this request or not. Cache may be invalid. The invalid cache automatically deletes after short period of time (30 seconds by default)

Returns token data. See Schema.

The token is valid, but it wasn't founded. Maybe native_namespace namespace or token was deleted.

The token has a bad format

rpc Delete(DeleteRequest) returns (DeleteResponse);

Delete token. If the token doesn't exist - it does nothing.

Parameter Type Description
namespace string native_namespace namespace of the token
uuid string Unique identifier of the token

The token was deleted. All the cache for this token was cleared.


This response will raise the event on the amqp. Check the Events section and the specific event for token deletion.

The token has a bad format

rpc Disable(DisableRequest) returns (DisableResponse);

Disable token using its unique identifier. The disabled token can not be used for authorization and authentication. The token cannot be re-enabled.

Parameter Type Description
namespace string native_namespace namespace of the token
uuid string Unique identifier of the token

The token was disabled


This response will raise the event on the amqp. Check the Events section and the specific event for token disabling.

The token wasn't founded. Maybe native_namespace namespace or token was deleted.

The token has a bad format

rpc Validate(ValidateRequest) returns (ValidateResponse);

Check if token:

  1. has valid format
  2. was signed by this service
  3. not expired
  4. exists (there is information about this token in service)
  5. active (wasn't manually disabled)
Parameter Type Description
token string Token to validate
useCache bool Use cache for faster validation or not. Cache has a very low chance to not be valid. If cache is not valid it will be deleted after short period of time (30 seconds by default)

As the response you will receive:

Property Type Description
status Status Validation status
tokenData Token Token data. See Schema for token. It will only be returned if the status is OK.

Where Status is:

Status Description
OK Everything is ok. The token is valid.
INVALID The token has a bad format or invalid signature
NOT_FOUND The token wasn't founded. Most probably, it was deleted.
DISABLED The token was manually disabled.
EXPIRED The token expired.
rpc Refresh(RefreshRequest) returns (RefreshResponse);

Validate refresh token and create new token based on it.

Parameter Type Description
refreshToken string Refresh token, based on which new token will be generated

As the response you will receive:

Property Type Description
status Status Validation and refresh status
token string New token. It will only be returned if the status is OK.
tokenData Token Token data. See Schema for token. It will only be returned if the status is OK.

Where Status is:

Status Description
OK Everything is ok.
INVALID The token has a bad format or invalid signature
NOT_FOUND The token wasn't founded. Most probably, it was deleted.
DISABLED The token was manually disabled.
EXPIRED The token expired.
NOT_REFRESH_TOKEN This token was founded, and it is valid, but this is not a refresh token.
rpc GetTokensForIdentity(GetTokensForIdentityRequest) returns (stream GetTokensForIdentityResponse);

Get tokens for specified native_iam_identity identity

Parameter Type Description
namespace string native_namespace namespace of the tokens and native_iam_identity identities
identity string Unique identifier of the native_iam_identity identity
activeFilter ActiveFilter How to filter on "active" property of the token. See schema below.
skip uint32 Skip of results before returning actual tokens. Set to 0 in order not to skip
limit uint32 Limit of the returned results. Set to 0 in order to remove the limit and return all possible results up to the end.

Where ActiveFilter is:

ActiveFilter Description
ALL Don't filter. Get all tokens.
ONLY_ACTIVE Only get tokens that weren't disabled and not expired
ONLY_NOT_ACTIVE Only get tokens that are disabled or expired

The service will stream list of tokens. See Schema for token data to be returned.

Tokens are ordered using their creation time. The service will return newly created tokens first.



This feature is NOT IMPLEMENTED

system_amqp exchange routing key scheme conditions
native_iam_token_events created Created token (protobuf) Token was created
native_iam_token_events updated ? Token was updated
native_iam_token_events deteled ? Token was deleted


This service is controlled by environment variables.

Env default description
SYSTEM_DB_URL mongodb://root:example@system_db/admin Mongo DB URL
SYSTEM_CACHE_URL redis://system_cache System_cache redis connection URL
SYSTEM_TELEMETRY_EXPORTER_ENDPOINT system_telemetry:55680 OTEL connector endpoint
NATIVE_NAMESPACE_URL native_namespace:80 Native_namespace server gRPC URL