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IAM Policy service

The native_iam_policy is a service for managing user-defined authorization policies. Those policies can be assigned to the native_identity identity. The policy specifies what resources identity can access and what actions it can perform on those resources.


The schema is defined using protobuf. Definitions are provided by the native module.

Property Type Description
uuid string Unique identifier. Service will automatically assign it to the policy.
name string User-defined name. It can be whatever you want. It is just for you to distinguish them
namespace string native_namespace namespace where policy is defined. Policies are valid only inside theirs namespaces. If the namespace is empty, the policy is "global." Global policies are working and granting access to all namespaces.
resources string[] List of the resources that this policy can access.
actions string[] List of activities that can be performed on specified resources by this policy.


Resources and actions can be defined with wildcards to grant access to the group of targets. Use the * symbol at the end of the resource or action to make it a wildcard.


Those are several examples of defined policies in JSON format:

Root access to entire system
        "name": "Root access",
        "uuid": "542c2b97bac0595474108123",
        "namespace": "",
        "resources": ["*"],
        "actions": ["*"]
Strict access to specific resource
        "name": "Read access to my service",
        "uuid": "542c2b97bac0595474108124",
        "namespace": "somenamespace",
        "resources": ["mycompany.myproject.someservice.resource1"],
        "actions": ["mycompany.myproject.someservice.get", "mycompany.myproject.someservice.list"]
Wildcard access to the group of the resources
        "name": "Full access for my service",
        "uuid": "542c2b97bac0595474108125",
        "namespace": "somenamespace",
        "resources": ["mycompany.myproject.someservice.*"],
        "actions": ["mycompany.myproject.someservice.*"]


There is no strict structure for the resource and action names, but it's recommended to use <companyname>.<project/module>.<service>.<......> prefix. This way, all the resources and actions will be unique and will not have unwanted collisions.


Communication with the service is possible using the gRPC interface. Definitions of the interface (proto file) are provided by the native module.

rpc Create(CreatePolicyRequest) returns (CreatePolicyResponse);

This endpoint allows you to create new policy.

Parameter name Type Description
namespace string Namespace where policy will be located
name string User-defined name
resources array of string Resources that can be accessed by this policy
actions array of string Actions that can be performed on the resources

The policy was successfully created. Returns newly created policy with all the data and assigned UUID.


This response will raise the event on the amqp. Check the Events section and the specific event for policy creation.

Namespace doesn't exist

rpc Get(GetPolicyRequest) returns (GetPolicyResponse);

Gets policy using its UUID and namespace.

Parameter name Type Description
namespace string Namespace where policy located
uuid string Unique identifier of policy inside namespace
useCache bool Use cache for this request or not. Cache may be invalid under rare circumstances

Returns policy data. See Schema.

Namespace doesn't exist, or there is no policy with a specified UUID in this namespace

UUID has a bad format

rpc Exist(ExistPolicyRequest) returns (ExistPolicyResponse);

Checks if policy with specified UUID exist in namespace

Parameter name Type Description
namespace string Namespace where policy located
uuid string Unique identifier of policy inside namespace
useCache bool Use cache for this request or not. Cache may be invalid under rare circumstances
Parameter name Type Description
exist bool Policy exist or not
rpc Update(UpdatePolicyRequest) returns (UpdatePolicyResponse);

Updates policy information

Parameter name Type Description
namespace string Namespace where policy located
uuid string Unique identifier of the policy
name string User-defined name
resources array of string Resources that can be accessed by this policy
actions array of string Actions that can be performed on the resources

Information was successfully updated. Returns updated information as a response to this request. See Schema. The service also cleared all the cache related to this policy.


This response will raise the event on the amqp. Check the Events section and the specific event for policy updates.

Namespace doesn't exist, or there is no policy with a specified UUID in this namespace

UUID has a bad format

rpc Delete(DeletePolicyRequest) returns (DeletePolicyResponse);

Deletes policy

Parameter name Type Description
namespace string Namespace where policy located
uuid string Unique identifier of the policy

The policy was successfully deleted. The service also cleared all the cache related to this policy.


This response will raise the event on the amqp. Check the Events section and the specific event for policy deletion.

rpc List(ListPoliciesRequest) returns (stream ListPoliciesResponse);

Streams list of policies in namespace. See Schema.

Parameter name Type Description
namespace string Namespace where to search policies
skip unsigned int How many entries to skip before returning actual policies
limit unsigned int Maximum number of policies to return. 0 to ignore the limit



This feature is NOT IMPLEMENTED

system_amqp exchange routing key scheme conditions
native_iam_policy_events created Created policy (protobuf) Policy was created
native_iam_policy_events updated New version of policy (protobuf) Policy was updated
native_iam_policy_events deteled ? Policy was deleted


This service is controlled by environment variables.

Env default description
SYSTEM_DB_URL mongodb://root:example@system_db/admin Mongo DB URL
SYSTEM_CACHE_URL redis://system_cache System_cache redis connection URL
SYSTEM_TELEMETRY_EXPORTER_ENDPOINT system_telemetry:55680 OTEL connector endpoint
NATIVE_NAMESPACE_URL native_namespace:80 Native_namespace server gRPC URL