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Deploy for production using docker-compose

This is recommended way to go with small installations that don't require high availability. Some of the key features of this type of deployment are:

  • Easy to deploy/maintain/update
  • Backup is just copying a folder with data.
  • You will need to stop the deployment for 30-60 seconds on every update.
  • Not scalable. Everything is on one server.
  • If a machine (VPS or physical) is down - the entire deployment is down.
  • It doesn't have data redundancy - if you do not backup regularly, you can lose all your data.


Before starting, please make sure your system has minimal requirements:

Requirement Minimal Recommended
OS Linux/Windows Linux
Arch linux/amd64, linux/arm64/v8, windows/amd64 linux/amd64, linux/arm64/v8
RAM 1GB (more with Windows) 4GB


We suggest using Linux operating system. Windows installation may use much more resources and not be stable (as far as Docker for Windows is not stable).

  1. Install Docker and docker-compose
  2. Get the docker-compose.all-in-one.yml file from the repository
  3. Start OpenBP using docker-compose -f docker-compose.all-in-one.yml up -d command.
  4. Open http://localhost:80. The system will ask you several questions to initialize (like root user login and password). You can omit this step by initializing the system through the env variables in docker-compose ( see Configuring ).
All-in-one script for Linux
echo "Installing docker"
curl -s | bash -s
sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
newgrp docker

echo "Installing docker-compose using python3"
python3 -m pip install docker-compose

echo "Getting docker-compose.yml file"
mkdir openbp
cd openbp
curl -s >> docker-compose.all-in-one.yml

echo "Starting OpenBP"
docker-compose -f docker-compose.all-in-one.yml up -d

After startup, OpenBP will create folder data near the docker-compose.all-in-one.yml file. This is folder, where OpenBP will persist all its data.


Selecting the version

If you don't have a version selected, the OpenBP will run with the latest possible. If you want a specific version, first of all, download it from the branch with tag. Use the environment variable or docker-compose .env file to set a value for OPENBP_VERSION with the version you want.


The system will not be available for ~20-30 seconds during the update. If you want high availability, consider using Kubernetes Deployment.

First of all, you have to update docker-compose.*.yml files. Go to the repository, select tag with the version you want and download files with the newer version.

Set the environment variable with the selected version:

export OPENBP_VERSION=v1.0.13


You can also put the version into the docker-compose .env file.

Update deployment by pulling newer versions of the docker containers.

docker-compose -f docker-compose.all-in-one.yml pull
docker-compose -f docker-compose.all-in-one.yml down
docker-compose -f docker-compose.all-in-one.yml up -d

Partial deployment

You can find more docker-compose files in the compose scripts repository.

If you just want to install all the modules and use all features, use docker-compose.all-in-one.yml, but if you don't need all the functionalities, you can combine modules using standard docker-compose syntax.


docker-compose up -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.system.yml -f docker-compose.native.yml up will start up only the system and native modules.

Table with specifications for every file you can find below:

File Description Dependencies
docker-compose.all-in-one.yml Run all the modules and features -
docker-compose.yml Create internal network and data volume -
docker-compose.system.yml Run only system module docker-compose.yml
docker-compose.native.yml Run only native module docker-compose.yml, docker-compose.system.yml Run only tools module docker-compose.yml, docker-compose.system.yml, docker-compose.native.yml


All the data of the application is located in the data folder (near the docker-compose.*.yml files). You can back up data by doing a copy of the folder.